February 2024 - my first big piece of the current year! i was on a big gbf kick at the time of making this art, specifically for the what makes the sky blue characters so i wanted to make something to satisfy my brainworms.. this piece really challenged me bc im not used to drawing characters like this and i had to make a lot of revisions to their poses and all that.. it really challenged me as an artist and challenged what i knew about anatomy since like i said im not used to drawing characters in angles like this so i had to do a lot of stepping back and analyzing references and stuff like that! but i think it was worth it since i really like how the final piece came out ;;!
December 2023 - im really proud of this one! i made this sometime after i had watched alien 9 for the first time.. i really enjoyed it a lot and loved the artstyle and characters so i had to make something for it! this took me forever to finish but the process was fun! i really liked the coloring style that i did here along with the colors themselves!! it was a good piece of art to end the year with it feel!
October 2023 - since october is umineko month i wanted to make something umineko related to show my love for it! with this piece i wanted to try using more textured brushes and to give it more of a painted feel and i feel like i was able to accomplish that here ;; im really proud of how this came out and how textured it looks.. i definitely want to mess around with that more since i had a lot of fun trying out textured brushes for this!! but aside from that im really happy with this piece, i feel like i was able to convey a side of beatrice that we dont really see until much later in umineko!!
July 2023 - i made this sometime after i had finished watching turn a gundam! i started getting really into gundam this year, and turn a got recommended to me but i didn't expect to walk out of it with it becoming one of my favorite anime! i was so enamored by dianna and kihel that i had to make art of them.. ;;
June 2023 - i had been wanting to draw nia's queen outfit in xenoblade 3 for a while at the time so i put this together for her! i wanted to convey her as a sleeping beauty as she was sleeping in the cloudkeep when the party finds her.. i added the lilies because of her connection to them! i think this is probably one of my favorite pieces im very proud of it ;;
May 2023 - wahhh i really love this piece.. i made this after i had finished xenosaga 3. i really loved shion and kos-mos's relationship and watching their relationship change over the course of the series was really special to me, especially watching how kos-mos' side of the relationship and how she viewed it changed over time in such a meaningful way. i really love these two a lot so i hope i was able to convey that with this piece ;; this is another one im very proud of!
May 2023 - no explanation needed. they are GAY and GIRLFRIENDS. KEEP SCROLLING BUDDY!!!!!!
April 2023 - i cant remember if i made this before or after i had finished xbc3: future redeemed but either way! when they first showed A's design i was so excited bc when the dlc was being promoted A's gender was never disclosed in any of it so lots of people were theorizing that they were going to be nonbinary and it turned out that they are! as a nonbinary person it was really meaningful and cool to me to see a character in one of my favorite franchises be nonbinary.. so i had to draw them!!
April 2023 - THIS WAS SOOO MUCH FUN TO MAKE!! i combined two of my special interests, when they cry and the xeno series, and made it my passion project! drawing in ryukishi07's style was soo fun, i drew more than just shion here but i think shion was my favorite out of the xenosaga bunch i made! i plan on doing this again but for xenoblade characters, so it's been a lot of fun thinking about which xeno characters i should draw as which when they cry sprites and thinking about which characters are the most similar for it! you can find the other xenosaga characters i drew in this style here!
April 2023 - i dont really have much to say about this one! i love poppi's design for her second form a lot so i wanted to try drawing it! i will say that drawing the mech pieces like on her shoulders and her hands was a bit of a challenge for me but i think she came out nicely!
March 2023 - not much to say here either! i just wanted to draw something cutesy and momo happened to come to mind while i was thinking about it which led to this! i will say drawing her in such a cute piece is pretty fun in hindsight considering how many terrible things shes been through over the course of xenosaga.. you deserve the world momo!
February 2023 - this is another piece im really proud of! i have the brainworm that makes me look at yuri couples and make comparisions between them and utena/anthy (sorry) which led to me basing this pose off of one of the official arts from the utena movie! this was really fun to make, im particularly pleased with the colors i picked for it!
October 2022 - FINALLY SOME WHEN THEY CRY ART LOL!! i made this for umitober! i had a lot of fun drawing the little details for this piece, it was sooo fun to make altogether!! this is one im still proud of but i think once my skills progress i would probably like to redraw it someday! but regardless its one of my favorite pieces that i've made! im glad i could do my two favorite lesbians justice!!!!
September 2022 - nia!! i drew this while i was going through xenoblade 2 for the first time! nia was definitely one of my favorite characters from it right away and she still is! i think thie piece came out cute!!
August 2022 - i drew this around when bridget first got announced as dlc for guilty gear strive! her new design is so cute i couldnt help but draw her immediately when i first saw it! she was super fun to draw.. i love drawing characters wearing big clothes!!
July 2022 - this was actually a piece that i started working on back in december of 2022 i believe. at the time i was unhappy with it so i dropped it but i came back to it in july and reworked it and i think it serves as a testament to how much progress i made in a matter of months! theres still some things in this piece that i would have done differently now but i do love this piece still and i really love the colors i picked for rena along with the overall mood of this piece!!!!!
July 2022 - wow!!!! rare granblue fantasy art!!!! sandalphon is one of my absolute favorite characters of all time especially when he was in his saiyakuphon phase so drawing this was a lot of fun! i feel like my art doesnt replicate this kind of mood anymore since i like drawing more cutesy kinda art so this is definitely a mood i would like to replicate in my art sometime..
May 2022 - this was one of my first pieces of art i drew of kos-mos before i even played xenosaga LOL i was drawn to her even before i got into the series *__* i always loved her design so it was fun to draw her at the time but now ive drawn her so much i can probably draw most of her design from memory >:D its funny how things end up! anyways this is still a piece im pretty proud of!!!!!
December 2021 - sorry for ffxiv crimes but!! venat!! i made this after i had finished msq of endwalker after it had first come out which was.. a crazy experience (postive) so i was definitely riding that high when making this! i think the colors i picked for this are pretty but you can definitely see how much progress ive made since then!
September 2021 - this one i made after i had finished no more heroes 3! i love the no more heroes franchise and travis is one of my favorite characters ever so i felt like i had to draw something! i really love the colors for this, i picked colors that were present in some of the official nmh3 art if i remember correctly so i feel like it pops out nicely! also i could not resist the urge to put travis in a higurashi shirt bc i feel like he would be a fan and would definitely say "nipah!" on occasion. thank you for coming to my ted talk!
September 2021 - i made this to celebrate ff7's 24th anniversay! the original ff7 is very near and dear to me so at the time i wanted to push myself and draw something a little out of my comfort zone which meant drawing a background! i was super proud of this at the time since it was a big accomplishment for me at the time but i think nowadays i would probably do much better which just means that ive made progress! but still! this is a piece that is very special to me!
July 2021 - this is one that i had a lot of fun working on! rachel has such a beautiful design and i love drawing characters with long long hair and big outfits so i had so much fun with her design! this is still one that i look back fondly upon as at the time i felt like i had hit a big milestone with the progression of my art!
May 2021 - ah yes this piece.. i remember shading for this one being hell LOL particularly for gretel and the sword.. the pose was also hard for me at the time aaaaa so when i finished this i was sooooo super proud of myself!! i would like to redraw this someday but for now i think this is still a cool piece! i need to make melancholic art like this again so badly LMAO
my art gallery!
this page is a gallery for my favorite pieces of my art! i mostly draw fan art for things i like since to me its a way of expressing how much i love whatever it is im drawing fan art for! because of that most of my art here is from the xeno series since its one of my favorite franchises ever so i'm sorry in advance LOL i hope you'll enjoy seeing my art and how much progress ive made over the years regardless!
you can find more of my art on my art twitter! as i make more pieces that i really like i will upload them to this gallery but all of my art will end up on my twitter, so check it out if you'd like to see art that i didn't add to this page! thank you so much!
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